What Democrats are doing won't cut it

But one person IS doing it right...

Good morning! It’s Tuesday, March 11, 2025. In today’s Morning Update:

⏱️ Estimated read time: 5 minutes, 32 seconds

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What Dems are doing won’t cut it—except one person

One week ago tonight, establishment Democrats protested a neofascist president’s address to Congress in the weakest way possible—and many still aren’t getting the message.

THE BACKLASH: The late night shows had a field day. Steven Colbert had a brutal three-word response to their “protest,” while John Oliver ripped the response to shreds on his show Sunday night.

And the Washington Post was flooded with letters to the editor, publishing many under the damning headline: The most depressing part of Trump’s speech? The Democrats’ response.

  • The only real courage shown that night was from Rep. Al Green, who was promptly censured by the House for daring to speak up—a punishment never doled out to white, Republican women who heckled Biden. (It almost felt like other Dems were about to follow Green’s lead, and effectively refuse to allow Trump to speak, but alas…)

WHY IT MATTERS: For years, mainstream Democrats have been (rightly) telling us that Donald Trump is a neofascist, would-be dictator, a unique threat to American Democracy.

  • Their weak response to date shows to many that they’re not up to the job of taking Trump on—let along stopping his fascist movement.

And, polling continues to show that what the base of the party wants is a fight. A new poll this week found that the vast majority of Democrats want lawmakers to fight—not appease—Donald Trump.

BUT BUT BUT: There is one man who’s doing something right. Over the weekend, Bernie Sanders took his “Fighting Oligarchy” tour to the upper Midwest.

Bernie’s success in both urban and rural areas shows that his anti-billionaire, anti-corporate, and anti-capitalist message is resonating with a public desperate for change.

📰 Most important stories right now

There’s a lot of sh*t out there. Here’s what’s actually important—and why.

Why it matters: Trump’s tariffs—which will be disastrous for some—may set off a recession—which will be disastrous for most. The White House is now saying it’s “important to look long term,” which should be very comforting to the millions of people who will lose their livelihoods. Full story from NBC News.

Why it matters: The overnight attack left two people dead and comes just as the U.S. and Ukraine start talks in Saudi Arabia about ending the war. Secretary of State Marco Rubio says Ukraine must cede territory for peace. Full story from the AP.

Why it matters: If you need more proof that Trump is lying when he talks about cutting "waste" in the name of "efficiency," just look at his golf habit. Every time he hits the links, taxpayers foot a massive bill. In the 48 days since returning to office, he has gone golfing 13 times. Full story from The Independent.


Why the arrest and threatened deportation of Mahmoud Khalil is a big deal

Palestinian rights activist Mahmoud Khalil (center) outside Columbia University last spring.

The brazen arrest and threatened deportation of Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian graduate of Columbia University in New York City, should be setting off alarm bells for all Americans.

  • "This is the fascist playbook," Jewish Voice for Peace warned shortly after news of Khalil’s arrest broke, saying it was “designed to instill terror in students speaking out for Palestinian freedom.”

THE BACKGROUND: On Sunday, ICE agents acting on orders from Trump and the State Department arrested Khalil at a Columbia-owned residence with the intent to revoke his student visa and deport him.

Of course, because the Trump administration is ham-handed in almost everything they do, the move didn’t go as planned: Khalil wasn’t on a student visa — he has a green card (permanent residency), making it much harder for him to be deported.

THE BIG PICTURE: Even if the government isn’t able to actually deport Khalil, the stated objective for doing so should terrify every American.

  • The Department of Homeland Security tweeted it was moving to deport Khalil for leading “activities aligned to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization.”

Experts have been warning for years this is the danger of the “terrorism” label: it can effectively be used to vilify and prosecute anybody that threatens the ruling class (like an alleged CEO killer who saw an outpouring of public support).

YES, AND: Trump and his goons don’t need to be successful in their attempt to deport all their political enemies to successfully silence them.

  • Their investigations can tie up regular Americans for years in court and bankrupt them—effectively chilling any dissent.

HOW WE FIGHT BACK: That’s why it’s imperative that full U.S. citizens—especially white Americans for whom the danger of racial profiling is low—need to show up and show out at protests and take other actions that would create greater legal or physical danger for non-citizens and/or people of color.

WHAT’S NEXT: A federal judge in New York temporary blocked Khalil’s deportation Monday evening until a hearing on Wednesday. Meanwhile, Trump has called the attempted deportation the “first of many” to come.

🗳️ Question of the day

On Thursday we asked: Do you think Trump will actually go through with his trade war? You were pretty split.

READERS WRITE: K voted no he’ll eventually back down: “He is all bluster and his goal at this point is to keep us in constant fear therefore in his imaginary control. Everyday a new threat to our democracy and instilling fear in the elderly and disabled. He is so obliviously unfit and yet weak republicans and weak democrats let this demented loser push them around. Disgusting that the rest of the government is allowing this to happen.”

Jmacs voted yes and wrote: “Yes and we are f*****! His goal is to cause widespread poverty. Then the oligarchs will move in a buy businesses and property for pennies on the dollar. It is all about moving more money towards the ultra wealthy at the cost of the American Citizen.”

Dragons voted yes too: “Trump always wants to ‘double down’ & be a bully. He won't back down, because he wants to ‘win.’ He needs to be the star of his own reality show in prison! I stand with the Canadians & the Mexicans!” We agree Dragons!

TODAY’S QUESTION: Do you think Democrats will get it together before the midterms? Tell us why after you vote!

Do you think Democrats will get it together before the midterms?

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Thank you for reading! - Andrew & Anthony